Episode 17:

Dr Kyla Smith on Softening, Surrender and Breaking Away from the “Good Girl” Archetype

Join me this week as I talk to Dr, Kyla Smith, a Paediatric Dietitian and Feeding Specialist,  a  mum of two and founder of the Baby, Toddler and Family Mealtimes online memberships. She supports parents to feed their children with confidence, so they grow up loving food and mealtimes. 

In our conversation, Kyla opens up about her journey from living a fast-paced, achievement-orientated life, to embracing the transformative role of being a mother. What I especially loved about our conversation was when Kyla talk about how her identity of being a “good girl” has shaped her parenting experience and been challenged along the way. 

Some other themes we touched on include: 

·      whether a “right way” to parent exists & letting go of unrealistic expectations

·      the process of learning to tune into what feels good for you and your family. 

·      finding a sense of safety within the surrender that comes with being a mother

·      reframing our ever-changing identity as a mother in terms of evolution rather than loss. 

·      And, the importance of recognising the social and cultural context of our experiences as mothers.

This was a juicy conversation and and I hope you get as much value from listening to this conversation as I did having it.

Find out more about Dr Kyla in these places:

